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All words in red are words from the Host!
All words in blue are words from the Castaways!
All words in black are explaining the Story!


Last time on Survivor, Neriako lost their 3rd straight Immunity and was forced to vote out Tyler, after his vicious attempts to get Brian ousted when sending Gillian and Lindsey a forceful e-mail. The e-mail was the last part needed to get Tyler on his way. Sambaria celebrated once again. 13 continue to play this game, and tonight a strange occurance will take place and send 2 castaways into an awquard position. Who will it be? Watch the Intro Video on Windows Media Player!

Day 8
The Sambaria Tribe continued to celebrate their wins, and commented how they were determined to at least merge with a 6-4 advantage over Neriako when the merge came.
I am so curious about who will win tonight's challenge. Hopefully we will win again, or it's a tie! I dunno!! I hope we win!!! Good luck! - Says Cinnie

The tribes went to the Immunity Challenge Forum and found the following message for them in there.

Well, I have some very good news for the Neriako Tribe, and some bad news for the Sambaria Tribe. Two tribemates of the Sambaria Tribe have violated a rule that can be found in the reule section on the main website. It says that if a tribemate fails to participate in 3 challenges, they will be automatically voted out of the tribe. however, these two castaways have not had the opportunity to compete in every challenge (the log challenge was a one person deal.) However, one tribemate did tell me that they have not helped with any form of conversation, ideas, or anything for any challenge. Therfore, I hearby declare that the following two will be voted out of the tribe by default:

Andre and Nick from Sambaria

I'm sorry for the Sambaria Tribe, but this had to be done. That means that this next challenge will be the final Immunity Challenge as two tribes before the merge which will take place at 8:30 Tuesday! If Sambaria wins the next challenge, they they will go into the merge with a 6-4 advantage over Neriako. But if Neriako wins, the tribes will go in equal with 5 members each. I'll see you guys for the next challenge in a couple of days!

The Neriako Tribe celebrated once they had heard the news and posted many different remarks on what had happened.
Something happened in this game for the other tribe. Andre and Nick got eliminated because they did nothing in this game. So we just automatically jumped 2 episodes and now we are in episode 6, well tomorrow anyway! - Says Matt

This is great! I mean, I didn't know Nick or Andre, but the fact that they're gone is a very good thing! If we win this challenge, we'll be put into the merge with a 5-5 equalness with the Sambaria members! If they hadn't been playing, the results might have been different and I really think our tribe can go out strong now! - Says Gillian

However, Sambaria was very quiet about the ordeal. And decided that it was more of a celebration than it was a tradgedy. They continued to play, and waited for the next challenge.


Hi - I'm the host of Internet Survivor, and I just want to let everyone know that I'm very sorry for not updating the website last Tuesday. It was an extremely busy week for me at school, but the updates have been made, finally! Enjoy them - here's Episode 3!

Last time on Survivor. Neriako continued their losing streak. The Sambaria Tribe grew closer and exchanged congradulations after they won a second time. Jamie was voted out and 14 remain, who will be voted out next? Wach the Intro Video on Windows Media Player!

Ray was in a huge rage after his mystery vote at last Tribal Council.
Although determined to get the person who vote against him, it was actually Jamie who vote for him, and now, he thinks that it was Brian and is determined to vote Brian out and get him back.

However, on the Sambaria campground, the thoughts going around were a little bit different. The positive attitude from the first vote was sticking around the whole tribe. Jamy commented on the game. I had a great time in this game! I really enjoy this game a lot. First I didn't think much about it but now since it has started, I realy like it. The Immunity Challenges are kind of hard for me but that is the point of the game. Take on and try to beat them with your strength. All for now! - Says Jamy.
However, Karen's scheme to boot out Cinnie and Ashlyn when the tribes merged seemed to be working double time. She commented on her status.
Cinnie mentioned alliances again tonight. She thinks that me, her, and Ashlyn are doing good against the others when the tiem comes unless the others have allied. Little does she know that I'm really on Joe and Brent's side. Things are gonna get nasty here in our little tribe eventually, but I'm glad we're winning and getting along so well right now. This almost seems too easy - LOL! - Says Karen.

When the tribes gathered together for the Immunity Challenge, they learned of a challenge that would give them a break from the races and mental ability. This time, the challenge would be more creative. Each tribe was to create an "Internet Survivor" logo. Damon said that the requirments were few and that they had to include "Survivor" somewhere on it, the words "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast!" and would also need to include "The Amazon" somewhere on it. Sambaria submitted their logo, however, the Neriako Tribe had trouble. Matt took on the responsability of creating the logo but had problems e-mailing it to Damon. As there was no way of seeing Matt's logo, Sambaria won the challenge again! Matt, who was quite upset commented to his tribe that they would have won, there logo was ten times better!

The Neriako tribe, disgusted with their progress returned to their camp and discussed the issue. However, Brian and Tyler both commented on their position and allainces. An alliance between Gillian, Lindsey and myself has formed. We seem to be very tight right now adn that is a good thing. I just hope it lasts and we can all make it to the merge, mayber farther! - Says Brian.

I'm really trying to emerge myself as the leader. Brian and I seem to want this tribe, and were probably going to share it. I feel strong and safe, and will win this game! - Says Tyler
The tribe prepared themselves for Tribal Council.

However, before Tribal Council. Tyler sent Gillian and Lindsey an e-mail that read as follows. "Tonight, vote out Brian. He's trying to take this tribe into his own hands and control all of us, but that's not fair - we've worked to hard. Vote out Brian tonight if you know what's best!"

However, Sambaria again had the thoughts of winning on their mind.
I'm so excited about this game and I absolutely love it! I think Cinnie, Karen, and myself will take this thing to the end and win it! Us girls really deserve it! - Says Ashlyn.
Both Cinnie and Ashlyn felt safe and comfortable with Karen, however, their trust with Karen seems to be sliding the other way.

Tribal Council #3 Well, here you are at your 3rd straight Tribal Council. It looks like you guys will have a tough competition ahead of you. Well, here's what's happened so far, 2 members have gone, both Neriako, 3 Immunities, followed by 3 loses and a fourth is on its way.

Tyler has anyone in your tribe really been seen as a slacker, or someone that just doesn't seem to be with the game?

Yes, there does seem to be a slacker. And I hate the fact this person is still a slacker at this moment. His time may soon come, but not now.

Matt, how do you feel about not being able to e-mail the logo to me?

I fell awful!!! I am a big target to the tribe and I could be next. You know I'm not ready to go it's too soon, but thats just the game of survivor things happen like this in the game and you have to face it. Damon, I saw the other one when I signed on, when I looked at it I sayed we could of won. I just don't know why it didn't get to you. I really don't feel like voting, but I will. If I go tonight I will be proud of and glad I made it on this great game and this great tribe. Nothing can beat tribe!!!

Well, I guess it's time to reveal the votes. Good luck everyone. As what all of you read after you casted your vote, this was definately a tough decision. I'll read the votes:

First Vote...Tyler

Second Vote...Brian

Third Vote...Brian

Fourth Vote...Ray

Fifth Vote...Tyler

Sixth Vote...Tyler

Tyler, received 3 votes, enough to vote him out of the game.


Last time on Survivor, Patrick was voted out of the tribe which had the Neriako Tribe lose its first Immunity Challenge. 15 still remain in the game, and one more will be voted out tonight. Who will it be? Watch the Intro Video on Windows Media Player!

DAY 4 The Neriako Tribe discussed their plans for the second challenge, and all agreed it was going to be important for them to win. However, Matt who was finally able to log on to the message forums, posted his findings about the first vote:
Today our tribe found out that Patrick got voted out. It's a bit sad because no one knew him. I hope that some day he mails us and we get to meet him. I doubt that will happen. That means one thing for sure that Patrick is'nt the sole survivor. Not only he was voted out first later on he will do nothing in this game so no jury for him. So long Patrick. - Says Matt
As the day continued on, the anxiousness for the next challenge became stronger and both Gillian and Brian discussed their plans to work hard and win the challenge.
Well, I'm glad that's over with. Patrick's gone, and now we have a chance to win a challenge and make the other tribe vote a couple out. And now all our current tribemates have been here at least once, we have a slight advantage as one of their tribe members are not there. - Says Tyler

However, the Sambaria Tribe was still discussing their victory and their hopes at placing themselves into a power position when the merge takes place.
I think we've got such a great tribe. We all get along so well together. With the exception of Andre and Nick, of course. They haven't participated in anything and never talk to us. They're sure to be the first ones voted out. I've made an alliance with Joe and Brent and it's in all of our best interests for the 3 of us to stick together. Then I've got another alliance going with Cinnie and Ashlyn. They both seem very young and immature. They're nice, don't get me wrong, but if it came down to me choosing between my 2 alliances, I would definitely go with Joe and Brent. Joe is so nice and social. He's an asset for getting in good with other people I don't know so well. But Brent is more mature and I can have adult conversations with him. - Says Karen
Karen, Brent, and Joe continued to talk on MSN and tried hard to discuss their allimination plans towards the game and such.

When the tribes heard about the Immunity Challenge, they were determined to win. They were given a list of music albums and had to search on the internet for their release date. The albums were:
Michael Jackson "Thriller"
Shania Twain "Come on Over: International Version"
Titanic Soundtrack "Back to Titanic"
Britney Spears "...Baby One More Time"
Spice Girls "Forever"
Although some albums were unfamiliar, both tribes were told to have all their available members complete it, with the exception of 1 member from the Sambaria tribe. The 6 members of Sambaria (that had been contacted) was able to hand in their challenge within 18 hours of posting the challenge, while the Neriako Tribe took a little longer to post their challenge. However, they to had 6 completed. They only had to wait for Jamie to post her challenge. However, the due date came, and she hadn't completed the challenge. But before there was a tie-breaker, Neriako was told some bad news. 2 members of their tribe had not correctly given the release dates to some albums and had lost. Sambaria won their second challenge.

Back at the Neriako Tribe, the group discussed their loss and spoke to Jamie about the ordeal and decided it was no big deal. Brian posted his thoughts on his tribemates before tribal council: Overall, the members of my tribe that I have talked to are pretty cool. It is still early in the game, but I have a good feeling about Jamie, She and I have some things in common...We're both Maple Leaf fans, like horses and she seems pretty cool. I haven't got a good read on Tyler or Gillian, but I guess we'll see what they're like in the coming days. - Says Brian
However, Sambaria discussed another victory with each other and became even closer and stronger as a tribe.
weve won again today i hope samburia keeps up the streak all the way to the merge. Still no sign of andre or nick but i hear nick is having trouble signing on so i hope he can get on quick. Also my tribe that ive gotten seem very friendly and i think we work as a unit and get challanges done as quickly as possible. Rock on Samburia. - Says Joe
i have been having such a goood tim on this internet survivor. my tribe has won all the imunities and right now. i absolutely love everyone on my tribe and i think we'll take this game to the end. - Says Ashlyn

The Neriako Tribe prepared for Tribal Council

This is the second time in a row you guys have been here. I'll reveal the votes. Good luck to everyone. I would like to remind you that once you've been voted out of the game, please post your final words in your personal forum. You will no longer post in the message boards or contact your tribemates. I'll read the votes.

First Vote...Jamie

Second Vote...Ray

Third Vote...Tyler

Fourth Vote...Jamie

Fifth Vote...Jamie

Sixth Vote...Jamie

Jamie was voted out of the Neriako Tribe. They only have 6 members left. Tyler, however, didn't vote so his vote was cast against himself.
Click here to read Jamie's final words.


Well, on April 1, 16 castaways headed out to the Internet Survivor Message Forum to play Internet Survivor in the Amazon for 29 days! But, the game was not close to what was expected. Non-participating tribemates, backstabbers, and threateners, crowded around them, pushing at every extent to win this game and become the Sole Survivor. They've played the game to the fullest of their ability and have strived to do better than anyone else. Now, the time has come for them to leave the game and watch it play out in a set of 13 episodes that will now be brought to you. Watch, as these 16 castaways go through the hardships that they endured when playing the first edition to Internet Survivor. Watch the Intro Video on Windows Media Player!

The first of the tribemates to get to the message boards was Tyler, he and Gillian (who soon followed) began to talk about the game and what was to play out. Soon after, Brian joined them and the 3 struck up an immediate friendship and formed somewhat of a small alliance together along with Lindsey, who Gillian explained was a friend from her school! However, the bond turned into discussions of hatred towards the members of the tribe who hadn't shown up. Matt, Ray, Jamie, and Patrick were all put into situations of uncertainty.

Meanwhile, at the Sambaria message board, things were different. Cinnie, Ashlyn, Karen, and Joe all struck up a talk about who they were to get to know one another, the tribe became tight and found each others company helpful. Brent and Jamy joined them a little later, but there was no sign of Nick or Andre. However, they decided that they would be on tomorrow for the challenge, and they all continued to talk about their homes and families.

Well, the Neriako Tribe, still having trouble contacting Matt and Patrick felt it was time to put their feelings together. The group decided that if they were to lose the first challenge, they would vote out either Matt or Patrick first. Tyler expressed his anger in his private message forum:
I have an alliance with Brian, Gill and Lindsey. Brian is the oldest, and I figure he'll be useful in the future, and me, Gill and Lynn are the youngest, which sets us apart from everyone else. The rest of the people, well, are either the busiest people on earth, or the laziest people on earth. I hate it. - Says Tyler
However, soon in the day they learn that Matt is trying to play, but is having problems signing into the message board. The tribe understands his situation and agrees to give him a chance before voting him out if they lose.

The Sambaria Tribe, still having no sign of Nick or Andre, decided to do the same as the Neriako Tribe if they lost. Nick and Andre would be the first people voted out of the tribe. However, they continued to bond and become closer as a group. Currently I've been talking to lots of people on MSN and they all seem so nice! I made some close friends as well, including Ashlyn and Karen! I have been given a nickname "Cinderella". And I've given one to Karen, "Young Mama Karioke"! I have talked to almost everyone in my tribe, and we seemed to already made a family, espesially Karen, Ashlyn and I. I am looking forward to the first immunity challenge tonight and hope we will take the lead! - Says Cinnie
Well, the group prepared themselves for the first challenge.

Immunity was for each castaway to fill out a form on themselves. The form included things like "Favourite Movie, Dinner, and Game." The tribe that had the most responses would win the game. Within the first few minutes, both tribes had 3 responses, putting them at a close tie. However, it took a few hours before all the Sambaria members who had been contacted posted their information. They now had 6 responses. The Neriako Tribe had 3, but slowly caught up after Lindsey and Ray posted their challenge. The Neriako Tribe had Jamie who could reply as well as Matt who they heard had finally been able to log on. However, Matt replied too late - the challenge due date had passed and Sambaria won the first challenge

I have made an aliance with Ray. We are still getting more people to join. Ray and I chatted for two hours. Ray and I our going to try to get Brian and Gill in our alliances so the four of us we'll be the last four. The Neriako tribe, frustrated with Patrick's lack of attention to the game agreed that he was causing them to become a problem. However, they also began to focus in on Jamie, who had posted on the message forums 3 times, and didn't reply to the challenges. It was a tough coint to call and everyone agreed to be having trouble making it.

However, the Sambaria Tribe expressed their enjoyment of the game! i feel good about winning the other tribe only had 5 turn it in so they are probably having the same troubles we are having in the area of others not being there. I feel ive been friendly to all members of the tribe except for ones who i cannot reach who are nick and andre. I hope they show up soon or they will have my vote when tribal council rolls along. - Says Joe
Well, excited abou their winning, and frustrated with the lack of support of Nick and Andre, the tribe decided to continue to play their game and wait for them to show up, if they didn't - they would be one of the first to go.

Well, you guys played hard and had some techincal difficulties which cost you your first immunity. It's not the greatest feeling in the world to lose, I know, I played an online game and lost many times before we merged. I've asked some of you questions and will post your responses in here!

Bryan, how do you feel, knowing that 1 tribemate, especially, has not shown up?
I fell very let down that someone would sign up ti play the game and then ignore it like everyone else in the tribe is crap. To be frank, I think it is complete bullshit that someone would agree to play and then not show up. The people with technical difficulties I can understand, being that in uncontrolled, but he isn't not showing up at all, is completely unacceptable! Those are my feelings.

Gillian, as anyone in your tribe stepped up, and appeard to have become a leader to you and to the rest of your tribe?
Not really, as of right now we are all pretty much equal, we haven't had enough time to get to know each oother so we don't know each others leadership skills yet.

Ray, do you think you're in a vulnerable position because of the fact that you were late for the challenge, despite the fact that you did have troubel logging in?
Well the way I look at this is, you have to seem somewhat vulerable at tribal council unless you have immunity. There are no guarantees in this game and its so unpredictable that unless you have immunity you have a good chance of heading home. I don't have immunity,so I must say I do feel a little vulerable here tonight.

Tyler, does it give you any comfort at all that the other tribe also has a few tribemates who aren't partaking in the challenges and other events?
Well, it makes it seem as if we have a better chance at the kind of challenges that we just did. It pisses me off that we don't have all our tribe members, but then they don't have all their's either, so it's evens out.

Well, I'll reveal the votes now. Unfortunatley, someone has to go. I would like to remind everyone that once the votes have been read, you will be asked to leave the game immediatly. You are not allowed to post any more messages in the main message forums. The person voted out will be asked to post their final words in their private forum immediatly. Good luck, I'll read the votes:

First vote...Patrick

Second vote...Patrick

Third vote...Patrick

Fourth vote...Patrick

Fifth vote...Patrick

Patrick did not vote, so his vote was counted against himself. Patrick became the first person to be voted out of the tribe. Click here to view Patrick's final words! WARNING - Patrick's final words contain unecessary language

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