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- A game day will be a day that you don't have Tribal Council, only an Immunity Challenge.
- You can converse with members of your tribe in the message forum.
- Immunity Challenges will be posted immediatly after Tribal Council.
- You will have to the end of the day to complete it, unless otherwise specified.
- You do not need to complete a challenge, but it may put your tribemates in a situation to vote you out of the game.
- However, if you fail to complete 3 challenges, you be automatically voted out of the game.
- All Immunities will be posted in your tribes Immunity message forum.

- On the second day of a two day cycle, a tribe will go to tribal council.
- Immunity Results will be posted in the morning, or when the due date is over.
- Tribal Council votes will be taken in until the end of the day.
- At a certain time, the losing tribe will meet in the Chat Room. In this area the votes will be revealed.
- When you're voted out, you will have to post your final words in your personal message forum.
- If, for any reason, you are unable to attend a Tribal Council meeting, e-mail me and special arrangements will be made. If you don't e-mail me, there will be a vote cast against you. If it happense a second time, you will automatically be voted out of the tribe.

- Once voted out, you can no longer post messages in the message forum, or contact any tribemates.
- The game will go throughout a time period of 29 days.
- Once the 29 days are completed, the game's episodes will be revealed to the public. Episdoe 1 is set to start April 29.
- If at any time changes are made to the original style of the game, they must be accepted by all. Don't assume anything!

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